Here is an update on the current state of the various Weston Wheelers club competitions - as of 1st May.
Remember you need to notify the Competitions Secretary of your entries. Also, don't forget you gain points, towards the Points Competition, just for having an go at a competition segment.
Competition Current Leader Current Best
- Three Piers Challenge. Pete Gillespie 1:07:58
- Glastonbury Tor Time Trial Duncan Robertson 2:15:56
- Taunton Time Trial Duncan Robertson 1:33:18
- Bleadon Hill hill climb Rob Heathcote 3:38
- Accommodation Rd Sprint Ben Nicholas 2:40
- Rob Special Time Trial Andy Bremand 1:56:14
- Brean – Burnham Time Trial Duncan Robertson 1:06:50
- Wednesday Night SRC TT Dave Hamer 27:37
- Points competition. Duncan Robertson 38 points
Details of competition routes, details etc on website. Any club member who wants a link to the webpage, please contact me.
If anyone believes they have a better time for any of the competitions, please use the webform on the WW website to record the result.