Author Archives: Duncan Robertson

Wednesday evening club ride 29th June 2016

Wednesday Evening Club Ride. Here's a route, by Jonathan McMillan, for anyone fancying a ride tomorrow.
As normal, 6pm from Priory - bring an umbrella.
Total distance: 34.23 mi
Max elevation: 319 ft
Min elevation: 7 ft
Total climbing: 1861 ft
Total descent: -1861 ft

Sunday Club Ride 26th June 2016

Sunday Club Ride.
"Around the the lakes"
The route for this week:
Start 9am from Priory School.
Total distance: 45.31 mi
Max elevation: 577 ft
Min elevation: 9 ft
Total climbing: 2558 ft
Total descent: -2558 ft

Sunday Club ride 19th June 2016

Sunday Club Ride - Bristol Sky Ride. As per Steve Barnes suggestion, the plan for Sunday is to ride up to Bristol to show our faces at the Sky Ride event and ride around the shortish designated course. I would suggest we aim to join the course via the access point at Gaol Ferry Bridge and do one full lap and then a partial lap to leave the course at another access point, at Brunel Way, near the Cumberland Basin, and then proceed on the homeward leg of the route. Anyone who want to loiter for Sky related fun is welcome to do so.
The course opens at 11am, so if we just make a steady pace on the way to Bristol, we should just about arrive in time for when the course opens. Here is Steve's course: Here is an edited version without the Sky Ride course, for the map watchers (That'll be me then): And here is the Sky Ride route - as much as I can make out from the official map; but it should be obvious once we are on it;

Sunday Club Ride : 29th May 2016.

This week we will be going north. Going over the Avonmouth Bridge and into Bristol for coffee stop. Weather looks good, with a tailwind to push us home. Route for Sunday's ride. On Strava :
Total distance: 50.34 mi
Max elevation: 184 ft
Min elevation: 11 ft
Total climbing: 2274 ft
Total descent: -2270 ft

Wednesday evening club ride: 25th May 2016

This week, a circuit through Shipham and a brake check down through Cheddar Woods; Route on Strava : Depart Priory School 6pm.
Total distance: 30.19 mi
Max elevation: 597 ft
Min elevation: 3 ft
Total climbing: 1924 ft
Total descent: -1918 ft

Ride Report – 1st May 2016 : Once around Glastonbury Tor

This May Day, Weston Wheelers Cycling Club had Glastonbury Tor in its' sights for the regular Sunday morning ride. Nine riders departed from Priory School and headed out of Weston-super-mare via the quiet roads through Bourton and West Hewish, before turning east towards Congresbury. Taking a southerly track, the group warmed up on the climb into Shipham, before enjoying the rapid descent into Cheddar. Heading south, the club enjoyed rapid progress through Clewer and onto Rodney Stoke, where they briefly joined the main road toward Wells, as far as Easton, again taking to the quiet roads of Somerset. This first section and the subsequent route into Glastonbury forms one of the Weston Wheelers Time Trial competiton courses. And, although riding as a group, the individual riders were intent on setting a good personal time for the 30 mile Time Trial. As they headed south-west away from Easton, the riders encountered a stiff headwind that somewhat spoilt the possibility of breaking any club records, but the level and, in places, arrow straight roads allowed them to get into a good rhythm, making short work of the track into Glastonbury. Entering Glastonbury the riders were treated to a display of floral head dresses, as is traditional for May Day and were inadvertently ushered onto the roads closed for the Glastonbury Road Run. The novelty of using closed roads was not wasted on the riders, but they cleared the course rapidly and headed toward the Tor. Although not long, the ascent up and around the Tor, is a good test for anyone's legs. Having spun their gears up the road around the tor, the group reassembled at the top before heading down the other side and setting off iin search of a cafe. Unfortunately, the Road Run crowds dictated that the club abandoned any hope of a reviving beverage and the decision was made to continue on the return leg of the route. More by luck than design, the group found themselves passing a cafe near West Hay, as one of their number suffered a minor mechanical problem. Whilst most of the riders enjoyed a momentary respite and refreshment, a demonstration of puncture repair was given by one unfortunate member of the club. The concensus of the group being that 'coffee and cake' was a fairly civilised way of waiting for a puncture to be rectified. With innertube replacement and inflation completed, the group set off again across the Somerset Levels and onto Brent Knoll. At Brent Knoll the riders split into two groups. One heading home and the other heading out on a 'bonus' segment, in preparation for the Somerset 100 charity ride being held on the 15th of May. Skirting Loxton, the course now took the riders into Winscombe, before turning towards Puxton, where they turned south and passed through Banwell. Now on the homeward stretch, the riders ascended into Hutton and onto the Weston-super-mare seafront. Now down to four riders, a diminished group took the old toll road into Kewstoke and returned to the start point. The longest distance covered by the riders on this ride measured 90 miles with a total ascent of 2100 ft, the shorter route was just under 60 miles. More information about the Weston Wheelers can be found on their website

Weston Wheelers – Competition Update

Here is an update on the current state of the various Weston Wheelers club competitions - as of 1st May. Remember you need to notify the Competitions Secretary of your entries. Also, don't forget you gain points, towards the Points Competition, just for having an go at a competition segment.
             Competition                                     Current Leader              Current Best
  1. Three Piers Challenge.                 Pete Gillespie                   1:07:58
  2. Glastonbury Tor Time Trial           Duncan Robertson           2:15:56
  3. Taunton Time Trial                       Duncan Robertson           1:33:18
  4. Bleadon Hill hill climb                 Rob Heathcote                      3:38
  5. Accommodation Rd Sprint           Ben Nicholas                         2:40
  6. Rob Special Time Trial                 Andy Bremand                  1:56:14
  7. Brean – Burnham Time Trial       Duncan Robertson            1:06:50
  8. Wednesday Night SRC TT            Dave Hamer                         27:37
  9. Points competition.                     Duncan Robertson           38 points
Details of competition routes, details etc on website. Any club member who wants a link to the webpage, please contact me. If anyone believes they have a better time for any of the competitions,  please use the webform on the WW website to record the result.