Author Archives: Duncan Robertson

Wednesday Club Ride : 20th Sep 2017

Here are the options for this week's Wednesday ride; The Reverse Rob Special.
Total distance: 31.04 mi
Max elevation: 267 ft
Min elevation: 10 ft
Total climbing: 1712 ft
Total descent: -1709 ft
Download   -   Or, if we would rather; a little Burrington Combe action;
Total distance: 34.36 mi
Max elevation: 903 ft
Min elevation: 13 ft
Total climbing: 2069 ft
Total descent: -2064 ft

Sunday Club Ride : 17th September 2017

This week's guest route master, Katie, has produced a course to Bristol and the Downs. There is a half-marathon on this Sunday, but the route should avoid road closures. There promises to be a gentle tailwind on the way back and the route has plenty of opportunity to peel off, if you are rushed for time but just want some company for a while. 9am from Priory School.
Total distance: 59.28 mi
Max elevation: 537 ft
Min elevation: 11 ft
Total climbing: 3265 ft
Total descent: -3265 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 16th September 2017

Here is the route for this week; A little more 'up' than the last couple of weeks, but you don't progress by doing 'easy' all the time. Although, it is still less than average climbing for this part of the country. Meet up, 8:30am, outside Priory School.
Total distance: 31.72 mi
Max elevation: 587 ft
Min elevation: 7 ft
Total climbing: 1530 ft
Total descent: -1527 ft

Wednesday evening club ride : 13 September 2017

Although the weather could be an issue, if there is a club ride, then it is proposed we do the Rob Special TT route. Leaving 6pm from Priory School
Total distance: 29.21 mi
Max elevation: 210 ft
Min elevation: 3 ft
Total climbing: 1369 ft
Total descent: -1360 ft

Sunday Club Ride : 10th September 2017

This week, we are again proposing a choice of route, depending on what time or energy you have The first option is a drive/ride to Aust and go over to Wales to catch part of the Tour of Britain as it goes towards Cardiff. Leaving Aust at 9am.
Total distance: 71.07 mi
Max elevation: 774 ft
Min elevation: 13 ft
Total climbing: 4402 ft
Total descent: -4402 ft
Download Cycling routes to and from Priory/Aust; probably leaving Priory at 7am
Total distance: 30.09 mi
Max elevation: 129 ft
Min elevation: 10 ft
Total climbing: 1189 ft
Total descent: -1138 ft
Total distance: 30.11 mi
Max elevation: 129 ft
Min elevation: 10 ft
Total climbing: 1138 ft
Total descent: -1189 ft
Download The second option, if you don't fancy the Welsh ride or don't have the time,  is a route out to Lower Godney. Leaving Priory School at 9am. There is a question about the weather, but this is a relatively short and flat ride, for a Sunday.
Total distance: 49.14 mi
Max elevation: 70 ft
Min elevation: 2 ft
Total climbing: 921 ft
Total descent: -873 ft

Sunday Club Ride : 3rd Sep 2017

A little late to be published, but here is the proposed route for tomorrow. With rain forecast, the route is shorter than usual and quite flat. Meet, as usual, 9am outside Priory School
Total distance: 49.14 mi
Max elevation: 70 ft
Min elevation: 2 ft
Total climbing: 921 ft
Total descent: -873 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 2nd Sep 2017

Here is the route for Saturday. Meet up at 8:30, outside Priory School
Total distance: 31.89 mi
Max elevation: 151 ft
Min elevation: 7 ft
Total climbing: 886 ft
Total descent: -886 ft

Wednesday Evening Club Ride : 30th August 2017

This week we will brave the Blagdon Triangle (club joke) Meet up at 6pm, outside Priory School entrance. It will be dusk when we get back, so lights recommended. If the rain is heavy during the day, it may be better to try this alternative; we'll decide before setting off.
Total distance: 31.35 mi
Max elevation: 421 ft
Min elevation: 11 ft
Total climbing: 1362 ft
Total descent: -1356 ft

Sunday Club Ride(s) : 27 Aug 2017

This week there should be two options for the Sunday ride. Route 1 - Gospel Pass (clockwise) from Aust, 8am
Total distance: 103.77 mi
Max elevation: 1825 ft
Min elevation: 19 ft
Total climbing: 7471 ft
Total descent: -7458 ft
Download   Route 2  - (probably) Maunsel Lock, from Priory School. 9am
Total distance: 64.26 mi
Max elevation: 258 ft
Min elevation: 3 ft
Total climbing: 2258 ft
Total descent: -2226 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 26 August 2017

Here is the route for Saturday's club ride. Meet up outside Priory School at 8:30am
Total distance: 30.46 mi
Max elevation: 144 ft
Min elevation: 8 ft
Total climbing: 985 ft
Total descent: -984 ft