Author Archives: Duncan Robertson

Sunday Club Ride : 16th October 2022

Here is the proposed route for this Sunday's club group ride.

Meet up at 9am, outside Priory School

Total distance: 49.97 mi
Max elevation: 569 ft
Min elevation: 15 ft
Total climbing: 2317 ft
Total descent: -2318 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 15th October 2022

I've been holding back on posting a ride for this Saturday to get a better idea of the potential weather.

Although nothing is certain, it may or may not be damp and it may be breezy. As long as it isn't hosing down, we could be good to go. For anything other than light rain, you might expect a self-navigated ride.

Meet up at 8:30am, outside Priory School


Total distance: 30.62 mi
Max elevation: 180 ft
Min elevation: 15 ft
Total climbing: 862 ft
Total descent: -862 ft

Sunday Club Ride : 9th October 2022

Here is the proposed route for this Sunday morning's club ride.

If Accommodation Rd is closed, we will carry on down the A370.

Meet up at 9am, outside Priory School.


Total distance: 55.5 mi
Max elevation: 116 ft
Min elevation: 4 ft
Total climbing: 961 ft
Total descent: -962 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 8th October 2022

WP GPX Maps Error: File /home/sites/ Mark - Kewstoke 2022.gpx not found!

Here is the proposed route for this week's Saturday morning club ride.

Meet up at 8:30am, outside Priory School.

Cafe stop at end for those who want it.

Note : The GPX viewer is playing up at the time of publishing. I will try to update the page with the GPX route later.


Sunday Club Ride : 2nd October

Here is the route suggestion for the Sunday morning club ride.

The weather is supposed to be better than Saturday - less wind anyway - but there is a possibility of dampness in the first half. The route keeps to the better roads, as the lesser used byways may be muddy currently.

Meet up at 9am, outside Priory School.

Be aware this may be a self-guided ride.


Total distance: 51.94 mi
Max elevation: 217 ft
Min elevation: 8 ft
Total climbing: 1849 ft
Total descent: -1849 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 1st October 2022

Here is a suggestion of a route for this Saturday. The weather is not promising; strong wind and possibility of rain. But if any hardy souls want to turn out and possibly self navigate some sort of course, here is my best suggestion for a suitable route. The intention would be to limit exposure to headwinds, unless you're going down a slope; failing that you may get some shelter from the high hedges. (Speaking of which, it's hedge trimming season, maybe take a spare inner tube)

Meet up at 8:30 at Priory School

Total distance: 34.71 mi
Max elevation: 141 ft
Min elevation: 15 ft
Total climbing: 1021 ft
Total descent: -1021 ft

Weekend Club Rides ?

Unfortunately, the Club Secretary has succumbed to minor illness and probably won't be riding this weekend.

There is, therefore, an opportunity for someone to nominate a direction of travel and possibly a stop for the rides(s) this weekend.

If you have something in mind, please let the Secretary know and he will do the necessary admin.

Sunday Club Ride : 25th September 2022

With a decent weather day in prospect, here is the route for this week's Sunday group ride; up onto the Mendips and café stop at Farrington Gurney.

Meet up at 9am, outside Priory School.

Total distance: 49.27 mi
Max elevation: 928 ft
Min elevation: 15 ft
Total climbing: 2780 ft
Total descent: -2780 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 24th September 2022

Here is the proposed route for this Saturday's club ride.

This week is a new route. Slightly longer than normal but with a mid-ride café stop. It's a game of two halves with a flat run home.

Meet up outside Priory School at 8:30am.

The return leg does include a stretch along the A370, due to the possible closure of Accommodation Rd - although it was open earlier in the week. If we are all in agreement we can take the usual route via Lympsham and be prepared to take the cycle way back into Uphill if the bridge is blocked.

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Sunday Club Ride : 18th September 2022

Here is the proposed route for this week's Sunday morning club ride.

There's a fair bit of new roads to try. But what could possibly go wrong?

Café stop on the downs. I've tried to avoid riding through Bristol as much as I can, as it has become quite a slow process on the last few occasions.

Meet up at 9am, outside Priory School.

Total distance: 50.19 mi
Max elevation: 584 ft
Min elevation: 15 ft
Total climbing: 2431 ft
Total descent: -2431 ft