Category Archives: News

Saturday Club Ride : 17th June 2023

Here is the proposed route for this Saturday’s club group ride.

Note. This ride is at an introductory level.

Cafe stop around halfway.

Meet up at 8:30am, outside Priory School.

Please bring the route with you, if you are able. I’m hoping to ride, but it will depend on flight delays, or otherwise.

Total distance: 38.87 mi
Max elevation: 152 ft
Min elevation: 15 ft
Total climbing: 657 ft
Total descent: -658 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 10th June 2023

Here is a suggested route for the club Saturday morning club group ride.

I won’t be there myself, but if anyone fancies a ride this week and would like an idea of a route, here is something I might have posted.

Usual start time; 8:30am outside Priory School

Total distance: 31.39 mi
Max elevation: 179 ft
Min elevation: 14 ft
Total climbing: 894 ft
Total descent: -895 ft

Saturday Club Ride : 3rd June 2023

Here is the proposed route for this week’s Saturday morning group ride.

Meet up may 8:30am, outside Priory School

Total distance: 34.05 mi
Max elevation: 66 ft
Min elevation: 16 ft
Total climbing: 370 ft
Total descent: -372 ft

Sunday Club Ride – 28th May 2023

Here is the proposed route for this Sunday's route for the club group ride.

Note. This may be a self-guided ride, so bring the route with you in some way if you can.

Meet up at 9am, outside Priory School.

Café stop at Farrington Gurney.

Total distance: 49.96 mi
Max elevation: 589 ft
Min elevation: 16 ft
Total climbing: 2806 ft
Total descent: -2807 ft