Author Archives: Peter Morteo

Wheelers Mothers Day Meander

    This weeks route was designed by the club secretary Duncan and took us into the heart of Bristol. Ten riders turned out this week meeting at Priory School at the usual time of 9am. The weather was cold but dry and crisp- perfect if you're kitted out correctly for a 50 mile ride. Once through St George's and Wick St Lawrence it was as out on to the A370 heading to Brockley. Turning left at the lights we headed for Nailsea and our first major climb of the day up to Failand. Our route into Bristol took us across the Clifton Suspension Bridge where we had a brief stop for a tricky puncture repair (new tyres are always tough to lever Andy!) but with help of the other riders we were back in business.  Sitting by the river at the Mud Dock Cafe with Coffee and Cake made for  a very welcome break before we set off home via the Cumberland basin and on to Ashton. The ride back was against a keen wind so the riders tucked in and shared the effort with a bit of through and off on the long straight at Kemble and on to Yatton. This weeks ride totalled 56 miles climbing 1800 ft at an average speed just short of 16 mph.  A big thanks to Duncan,  Andy J,  Andy B,  Andy P,  Dave,  Aron, Pete and newcomer Paul. The Wheelers as are open to new members so why not come along this Sunday and see if the club is for you.

Toughest Ride So Far This Year!

The Club ride this week, took the form of a challenge posed by Jonathan McMillan. A Metric Century ride with 1200 metres of ascent (62 miles and 4000 feet). Just after 9am, nine Wheelers left Priory School and headed towards St Georges. Enjoying a favourable breeze, the group passed through Banwell and on towards Winscombe. Skirting Axbridge the group arrived at the first significant climb of the day; Shipham Hill. Having crested that incline, the lesser climb up Longbottom beckoned. On towards Charterhouse and an exhilarating descent down Burrington Combe, before climbing some minor inclines around Blagdon Lake and a much anticipated stop at the Salt and Malt cafe at Chew Valley Lake, to refuel on the traditional cyclists fare of cake and coffee. The cafe break marked the halfway point and the Wheelers resumed after a relatively short pit stop. Now, however, the wind was no longer in the preferred direction. So, battling wind and light rain, the group headed towards Winford and onto Belmont Hill, the last significant climb of the ride, and the relatively flat run towards Portbury via Failand. A tough headwind welcomed the riders at Portbury as they turned towards Clevedon. From Clevedon towards Weston, the wind continued to present a significant training opportunity, but at least the route was virtually flat. As Weston approached the sun made an attempt to provide a welcome as the club made their way through Wick St Lawrence and back to their starting point. The Wheelers who enjoyed today's challenge, to a greater or lesser degree, included; Dave, Andy B, Jonathan, Andy P, Paul, John, Duncan, and Andy C. The Wheelers extended a welcome to Jeremy, who might not quite have appreciated at thestart what lay ahead, but acquitted himself very well.

Valentines Day Ride

A great ride again this week with temperatures around 1degree and the wind 20+ mph we were faced with some real challenges The first being Burrington Coombe ascent. Once we reached the top we had a fantastic ride over the Mendips with blazing sunshine and quiet roads. Next was a 30 mph descent down into the  historic Cathedral city of Wells. Next the route took us past Wookey Hole on to Westbury sub mendip and left to Wedmore. A welcome coffee stop at Rich's Cider house followed and then a steady ride home via Highbridge, Burnham and Brean. This weeks ride totaled 58 miles climbing 2300 ft and averaged 15 mph. A big thanks to Greg, Ben, Rich, Pete G, Pete M, Andy P, Jonathon, Chris G and a welcome to Adrian W. Hope to see you all next Sunday.   In the meantime keep an eye on for upcoming news and events.


Wheelers Sunday Ride 14/02/16

Bens Valentines day Massacre
Total distance: 56.73 mi
Max elevation: 906 ft
Min elevation: 11 ft
Total climbing: 2646 ft
Total descent: -2647 ft

Sunday Club Ride

This Sundays ride was touch and go for a moment as peering through the curtain all I could see was wind, cloud and driving rain. But then a break in the clouds signaled the ride was on! Leaving from Priory School at 9 am we headed out through kewstoke along the toll rd and Beach front to uphill. Next the route took us to Brean, Burnham and Highbridge and on to Mark Causeway although closed to cars it was clear for us cyclists. By now we could really feel the sun on our backs and a lovely tail wind followed us through Wedmore and onward to Cheddar. The journey back took us along the A38 and then right at churchill lights, passed Burrington and left back towards the A38. Straight across to Wrington and on to Congresbury. whilst waiting at the lights the car in front broke down and so Paul G and Mark B leaped into action and gave the stranded motorist a push to a safer place to stop, no mean feet in Cleats I have to say!. Finally it was head down and a group effort again back into Weston. The ride totaled 57 miles at an average speed of 15.8 mph with 1700 ft of climbing. a big thanks to Mark B, Paul G, Paul S, Jonathon Andy B, Pete and Dave. Keep an eye on the website  for details of up coming rides and events. ,
Total distance: 56.93 mi
Max elevation: 878 ft
Min elevation: 535 ft
Total climbing: 1682 ft
Total descent: -1709 ft

Wheelers Sunday Ride 07/02/16

One from the archives with Coffee stop and peel off options if the weather turns nasty.

Meet at Priory School away for 9 am
Total distance: 50.23 mi
Max elevation: 230 ft
Min elevation: -73 ft
Total climbing: 1022 ft
Total descent: -1100 ft

Weekend of the Wheeler

Total distance: 53.69 mi
Max elevation: 527 ft
Min elevation: -9 ft
Total climbing: 2287 ft
Total descent: -2323 ft
Download Due to the weather warnings some of the members did the Sunday Ride on Saturday and as it turned out was the right decision. The weather was perfect and the route designed by Dave T was a cracker with some tough climbs and speedy descents. Leaving Priory School at 9 am we headed for Congresbury then took a right to Lower langford, Churchill and on to Blagdon Lake. The road to Chew Valley is a great rolling affair the guys all enjoyed then a quick stop for Coffee at the Salt and Malt on the Lake and it was onto Chew Stoke and Winford. Keeping good formation and working well as a group we headed up our cat 4 climb to Failand with a couple of PB's Im sure. The ride back was head down speedy descent of Tickenham hill and on to Clevedon, Yatton and back in to Weston. The ride totaled 54 miles climbing 2300 ft and an average speed of 14.9 mph. A big thanks to Dave, Aron, Pete G, Duncan, Pete and Jason. Sunday 
Total distance: 34.46 mi
Max elevation: 346 ft
Min elevation: 51 ft
Total climbing: 1167 ft
Total descent: -1438 ft
Download An all together different ride than Saturday with gusts of wind from 40 mph and drizzly rain we opted for the tried and tested Rob Special keeping the ride to under 35 miles and the climbing to 1100 ft. Although tough at times especially when leaning sideways into the wind we kept up a steady pace and battled through Christon Loxton up over Brent Knoll through Brean and back into weston at an average speed of 14.6 mph. A big thanks to Paul S, Paul G, Pete G, Andy B, Jonathon and new comers Patrick and Alan.