Author Archives: Duncan Robertson

The call of The Lakes – and a bonus

A beautiful sunny, if cool, morning greeted the Weston Wheelers, as they assembled at Priory School for the regular Sunday morning club ride. The ride this week was presented as a two-parter. The first section of the ride designed to be more suitable for less experienced riders and those with time constraints. The second section of the ride, was an opportunity for members of the club to stretch their legs on a longer combined route, in anticipation of the forthcoming 'Somerset 100' charity sportive event; where a number of the club members are intending to complete the 100 mile course. A party of ten Wheelers set off at 9am and headed towards Chew Valley Lake. Passing through Banwell and Churchill before starting the undulating, and increasingly steeper, roads to Blagdon and onto West Harptree. Enjoying the descent from West Harptree, the riders circled the azure blue of Chew Valley Lake, before heading west towards Blagdon Lake. Passing the similarly picturesque lake, the Wheelers passed through Butcombe and started a series of exhilarating descents towards Congresbury and West Hewish. Returning to their start point after 40 miles. The riders embarked the on bonus training circuit; with no reduction in their number. Passing through Sand Bay and ascending to the coast road, the riders made a transit of Weston-super-mare seafront, before picking up speed again as they left Uphill. The Wheelers are holding a number of club competitions this year; an element of which is a sprint along a section of road near Batch. Although the group enjoyed the relatively flat and straight segment, and several riders produced their best times, the 50 miles in their collective legs meant that only a few personal best's were achieved, but not for the want of trying. Reaching Berrow, the club turned east towards the landmark of Brent Knoll and the last significant climb of the day. The knoll ascent marked the final quarter of ride and following the descent, a good pace was maintained towards Loxton and onto Christon. Skirting Banwell via the caves, the group now headed back into Weston-super-mare and the riders dispersed to their individual end points, a significant contribution to their endurance and tan-lines having been made. The ride, in glorious spring weather, was a total of 72 miles with 2250 feet of climbing. The Weston Wheelers welcome new riders to come along and try group riding, in a friendly and inclusive cycling club.

Club Ride : 17th April 2016.

Sunday Club Ride: 17th April 2016. The Lakes and Bonus As some of us are trying to build our mileage up, in anticipation of the Somerset 100 event in a few weeks time. We have a ride and a bonus to tag on. Route one is a 42 mile course around Blagdon and Chew Valley lakes; returning to Priory School The Lakes -
Total distance: 41.43 mi
Max elevation: 430 ft
Min elevation: 3 ft
Total climbing: 2137 ft
Total descent: -2133 ft
Download Route two is the above with another 28.5 miles/46km to take the total up to 69 miles/111km - taking us around Sand Bay and down to Brent Knoll and back. The Lakes plus -
Total distance: 69.54 mi
Max elevation: 430 ft
Min elevation: 3 ft
Total climbing: 3767 ft
Total descent: -3770 ft

Club ride to Westhay : 28th February 2016.

A bright, chilly, but frost free, morning greeted the Weston Wheelers as they assembled on Sunday morning. A group of ten riders headed out through St Georges, passing through Bourton and West Hewish before picking up A370 for a short stretch before turning back towards Banwell. Climbing up the hill past Banwell Caves and club made their way, via Loxton and Christon, to Cross and onto the A38 for a short stretch, picking up a rider from another club who was heading in the same direction, and taking the turn towards Wedmore. If they weren't warmed-up by the time they approached Wedmore, the riders certainly were shortly after, as the club made their way up and over Mudgley Hill. By now, John had dispelled the myth that Time Trialists can't climb hills for a second week running, leaving his compatriots in his wake. A fast descent in weak February sunshine, heralded the approach to Westhay and a short break at Sweets Cafe. Refuelled and rehydrated, the club turned for home, now cycling into the wind, as they traversed the Somerset Levels, passing through Burtle and River Bridge and onto the last significant leg-tester of Brent Knoll. After Lympsham came one of the club's favoured sprint sections, where the riders leant into the wind to take the honours of the One Mile Straight segment. Returning to Weston-super-mare, the club remained in convoy as they approached the Sea Front. At this point the various members peeled off and made their way home, having enjoyed the near perfect cycling weather for most of their ride. Today's ride was posted as 46 miles (75 km) with 2000ft (600m) of climbing. The group maintained an average speed of close to 16MPH (25.5kph). The Wheelers taking part in today's ride were; Patrick, Andy B, John, Aron, Pete G, Alan, Ben, Jason, and Duncan R. First time rider Duncan M was made welcome on the ride. Weston Wheelers membership is currently open and they are happy for non-club members to ride with them to see if group riding is something that they would like.